Dr. Spoo is joined by Dr. Rob Gillette to discuss general conditioning, what that looks like for the working hunter and then dive into a talk geared more towards upland dogs.
On this episode, Dr. Spoo is joined by Dr. Rob Gillette (www.sportsvet.com) for the first in a two-part series. In the first installment they discuss general conditioning, what that looks like for the working hunter and then dive into a talk geared more towards upland dogs. In the second episode the discussion will focus on what those differences look like for the retrievers.
Dr. Gillette has been a pioneer in the field of veterinary sports medicine. He is one of the founding members of the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (www.vsmr.org) and has been a ground-breaking researcher on all things working dogs with his work ranging from retrievers to greyhounds and sled dogs to military dogs. Basically, every dog that is an athlete or has a job he has studied. His career has encompassed time in private practice, leading a department at a major university and industry research. It is all too common for researchers to lose sight of the real world, Dr. Gillette is about as down to earth and practical of an individual as you will ever meet which allows him to take incredibly complex biochemical and physiological processes and distill them down in a way that the rest of us can understand and learn.